

Finished this just a little while ago....
(See credit and pattern in previous post).

Never was there a better T.V. character than Sheldon Cooper.

P.S. Yarn has gone up SIXTY CENTS in less than a year. I thought they were cloning sheeps!! It should be cheaper!!

yes, I know, "sheeps" is not right.

Awesome Meatloaf turned out very well.



  1. omg, your very own Sheldon. I am so jealous. Not actually jealous enough to change yarn colors, or to knit; although if I did mine would probably come out three feet tall because I absolutely never check the gauge and everything I ever knit came out way big...

  2. Thats so cute! I want to learn how to knit and crochet one day. I have been wanting to try and make a homemade "9".

  3. Boo - I never check the gauge either. If the instructions say to use an F hook, I'm like, "Eh. I'll use an H."

    Anita - Thanks!!! I can knit and crochet, but to me, crocheting is far easier. Are you interested in like, a stuffed number nine? I might have a pattern for it somewhere.
