- There is a very cheesy, shellacked dresser that someone left in front of the hedge at the bottom of the stairs. I am guessing it broke when they tried to carry it upstairs, but instead of taking it over to the dumpster, they just left it by the bushes.
- Every day, there has been some weird note stuck to her door from random people. I haven't gotten up the balls to read them, because it's not really any of my business, but the handwriting is loopy, and appears to belong to a stripper.
- The neighbor owns a BICHON FRISE. I hate curly dogs. Period.
- The neighbor, who is female, has had NO FEWER than FIVE DIFFERENT MEN over in less than a THREE DAY PERIOD. And I'm not talking good, or even decent-looking men. I am talking about scary, bearded, RAW men, with bandannas tied around their heads, and workboots on. I doubt they have even showered before coming over.
- When I came home today, there was all this SHIT just PILED at the top of the stairs, on the landing. There's some huge backing to a cheap shelf, a box full of cheap shoes, TWO BAGS OF EFFING GARBAGE, and a small pile of self-help books, of which the top one reads, "FEELING GOOD: HOW TO DEAL WITH EMOTIONAL BAGGAGE." Great.
- She has some manner of job where she comes and goes LATE, like past eleven. She does not dress like someone with an education, or even someone with a great deal of street sense.
If anyone has some advice, I would love to hear it, because right now I am having fantasies of taping all of her garbage to her door.
I HAVE NOT TOLD YOU ANYTHING ABOUT AFI, which was LOVELY.....here is a photo:

I think I already mentioned that I got a new tattoo:
AFI stands for "A Fire Inside". This one was done at Southpaw Tattoo in San Antonio.
It's late, folks, and I have group tomorrow, and I want to get to sleep before midnight, so I'm going to shove off now, and try to forget about my neighbor, who will heretofore be known as "Bambi".
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