After re-connecting with a very inspiring friend this summer, I've been writing again. I'm a strong technical writer. Clinical evaluations, however, aren't typically on the bestseller list. I don't really think that publication is my goal - I just like writing. I've picked up a couple of really great books, the first of which you see above - Words Overflown By Stars, which is a collection of essays and presentations from the Vermont College of Fine Arts. The other is The College Handbook of Creative Writing. I don't care who you are, poetry is HARD. I am not even taking into account my previously mentioned issue with the prepositions. But, I enjoy it. I've already written one, called "The Night I Slept With Bukowski". It's okay. It was fun to write, though.
Oh, here is my new dining room. Sorry about the messiness on the table:
- Successfully "downloaded" Adobe Creative Suite 3, and saved myself, like a billion dollars.
- Figured out some codecs patch thing that I needed to view movie files on WMP.
- Managed to download Photoshop Actions off of and install them into PS.
- Bought a new Garmin GPS that allows me to simply transfer Geocache coordinates onto the device instead of having to enter them manually, like I used to do on that GHETTO Magellan. P.S. Never buy a Magellan ANYTHING.
- Bought new Altec Lansing speakers, which were like 14 dollars, but kick ass.
- FINALLY opened a Clearwire account, instead of piggybacking off of whoever "Linksys2" is. Free internet tastes better, though.
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