Today sucked mostly. I don't feel good, I had some completely unecessary stupidness happen at work, FOUR of the Prismacolor pencils I love have been DISCONTINUED, so I feel like this:
WHY would you discontinue a color and NOT put out a similar color to replace it? Apparently, the colors in the "Deco" Series were not "lightfast", meaning that they faded over time. UM, I have two major problems with this:
1. I will be dead before the color even starts to noticeably fade, and I don't care if future generations don't like my drawings.
2. Why didn't you develop a LIGHTFAST DECO ORANGE, like you did with that stupid "NON-PHOTO BLUE", whatever THAT means?
3. I now have four pencils (Deco Orange, Peach, Blue, and Aqua) that are now meant to last me FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. This is unnecessary pressure, and now I don't even want to sharpen them, for fear of wasting the pigment off of the shavings. I guess I had three major problems with it.
Speaking of pencils and what not, that is what I spent yesterday evening doing....
If I'd only had a fireplace would have been perfect. Don't the Amish make those portable fireplaces? ANYWAY, for those of you who are interested (perhaps none of you), these are the items in my current "Take Everywhere Art Bag":
1. Sketch Moleskine
2. Staedtler Mark Lumograph Pencils: B, 2B, HB, 2H, F
3. Assortment of Prismacolor pencils
4. Black gel pen
5. White Extra Fine Point Sharpie paint pen
6. Tortillion
7. Portfolio water soluble pastel in white
8. Black Factis 18 eraser (erases charcoal!)
9. Metal pencil sharpener
10. Koi Watercolor Field Sketch Box
And that brings me full circle to my Deco pencils which are now rare and eroding as I type, which pisses me off. I think I'd better stop.