Hello. I am patty. I am Kim's hamster. She told me to tell everyone that she is all busy with work or whatever right now and has not had time to make a new post. What is a post? Is it yogurt covered? I like yogurt-covered hay pellets. I don't know about that work business, I saw her come home and then leave and then come back and she painted some stuff. I saw no work. I work all the damn time. You think it's easy burrowing under all these paper shreds, and hiding your food from other hamsters? Plus, how do you think I am typing? I work out ALL THE TIME. Sometimes my wheel gets stuck and I'm like, "YEAH!", but she f-ing comes in here and fixes it. Can you please ask her to angle me towards the tv? And maybe leave it on when she goes to "work?"
Thank you.
Cutie Patty!!!!