Charlotte and My New Chair. OH, AND A DECORATING QUESTION.
Charlotte Russe is the best and worst store ever...the best because I LOVE their clothes and they're cheap. The worst, because I have no self-discipline there. Actually, I do, sort of, but believe me when I say it is tested to the extreme. I did not walk out of there today without the following: Also, I was at Furniture Row the other day, bored and looking for a bargain, and lo and behold...right in the back, there was a huge club chair, just WAITING to come home with me. There's nothing wrong with it - they'd just discontinued the style. The skirting is a little long on the bottom, but I just tucked it under and voila. Perfect. I have yet to sit and read, because I haven't put my lamp over there. QUESTION: Do you think anything goes in the corner, to the left (your left) of the chair? I was thinking one tall black bookshelf, but my mom suggested maybe an old dresser or decorative table. I'd like a storage place for some books, journals, etc. Let me know! My art supplies, I think, are going to stay in the dining room. It's beginning to look a little cluttered, though, so I'll have to figure out what I'm going to do there. Some other detail shots from around the pad: Altar for Dia de los Muertos (work in progress). Pillows on the new chair Side table. Taking it easy this afternoon -unfortunately I have to work tonight from 6 to 10, but after that, I'm heading over to Blue Collar Art Co. to get my lip pierced.
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